Organizing Your Customers’ Information In QuickBooks

Organizing Your Customers’ Information In QuickBooks

Organizing your customers information is a very important part of maintaining your records. Keeping this information up to date, well organized and easy to use keeps you on your game and making money. QuickBooks has many built in functions and capabilities that can help you keep your customers information easily organized and utilized. When you are using QuickBooks for your accounting here are some tips to get the most out of the program.

  • Pick naming convention for all your customers and stick with it.  Depending upon your industry and client base this may vary.  Utilize a naming convention that is easily searchable and agrees with your work orders and other feeder systems.  For example

    • 67 Main Street, Smith
    • Smith, 67 Main Street
    • Fogged In Bookkeeping, Inc
    • Smith, James
    • James Smith Plumbing
    • Cust # 123455

  • Use “Jobs” under customers to distinguish separate projects or orders.  This is especially important when a customer has various projects or estimates you want to see reported separately.  You would use a job instead of creating separate customers because then you can receive one payment for multiple projects.  A good example of this might be one customer with multiple projects.

    • Fogged In Bookkeeping, Inc (Customer)

      • Website Project  (Job)
      • Logo Design Project (Job)
      • New Brochure Project (Job)

  • Get the most current and complete information and fill as many of the applicable fields in QuicBooks as possible.
  • Use the customer notes fields to communicate customer information not found in a field within your company.  Collections actions, customer requests, and internal communications can all be noted here and are visible to all users.
  • Use the Custom Fields to create fields for relevant information you want to collect from all your customers.  Examples might be insurance cert expiration dates.

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