Making the Most of Geek Girl Camp! Tech Ed @ Its Most Fun.

Making the Most of Geek Girl Camp! Tech Ed @ Its Most Fun.

·         LOOK AT THE SCHEDULE AHEAD OF TIME! – this is really important. 
o   Go through the schedule and pick out the classes that look interesting to you. 
o   Read the description of the class under “Workshops” on the website.  I have taken a class or two expecting one thing and getting something completely different.  Don’t go off a flashy Workshop Title!
o   Once you know what you want, schedule out your day.  You can’t be in two classes during the same block so see if one of them is held a second time.
o   Don’t be shocked if the schedule is changed a bit on the day of the conference. 
·         Don’t dance with the one the brung ya.  Just because you came to the camp with friends doesn’t mean you have to stick with them.  This is a great learning experience and you don’t want to waste time in classes that aren’t on your level or don’t interest you.  The day seems long, but goes fast.  Enjoy the classes, not the company of peeps you already know.
·         Most Beginner classes are BEGINNER!  Social Media Beginner = what is social media, what is FB, what is twitter, etc. 
·         Dress casual but professional.  This is not only a learning opportunity, but a networking opportunity.  I’ve met some really interesting people and business contacts.  Plus they do free head shots, a big cowl neck sweater will not work for that! 
·         No uncomfortable shoes, no matter how cute!  When you have to haul ass across the campus in 5 minutes, you’ll regret wearing the 4” pumps.
·         ASK QUESTIONS!  If you aren’t sure of what the Geek at the front is saying ask.  Also, don’t be afraid to move the conversation to a higher level.  These classes tend to move in whatever direction the lecturer and attendees choose as the class goes on.
·         EAT LUNCH!  Don’t skip it to get in one more class.  Lunch is free and there are lots of great freebies and resources in the lunch area.
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