How to Change Your Report Basis: Cash or Accrual Basis for Reports FromQuickbooks

How to Change Your Report Basis: Cash or Accrual Basis for Reports FromQuickbooks

As a business one of the most important things your accounting system does for you is create reports.  What is the point of entering all this information if you don’t get some kind of summary of the information?  Sometimes we business owners need to see accrual accounting reports and other times we just need to know what is going on with the cash.    If your accounting is being done in QuickBooks on an accrual basis you can review the reports on either a cash or an accrual basis.  

To switch your view:

If the report you’re working with is a summary report (a report that summarizes transactions instead of listing them), you can change its basis from cash to accrual or vice versa.

To do this task

  1. In the report window, click Modify Report.
  2. Select either Cash or Accrual as the report basis.
  3. Click OK. 

Be warned that if you use invoices in Quickbooks on a cash basis the invoices may still post even if not paid.  It is a glitch in the program that Intuit has never resolved.

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