Why Email Needs A System + Fogged In Bookkeeping’s Email System

Why Email Needs A System + Fogged In Bookkeeping’s Email System

It is really hard to have a clear view of what you need to deal with in an inbox with 10,000+ items. That is why we created a system that works for us.

Here is a peek into Fogged In Bookkeeping’s email system.

Each day, look through your email; once in the morning, once midday, and once before you check out for the day.

Forward emails to the appropriate people/emails such as anything financial gets forwarded to my accounting app. Archive those emails so you know what has already been forwarded and what hasn’t. Keep things consistent.

Have a separate email for your promotional emails so what needs to be dealt with won’t be lost among sale ads and invitations for product reviews. I have a personal and a work email so that my kid’s baseball schedule and my work emails aren’t all mixed together making it harder to get sidetracked.

Organize and archive what you have already dealt with. I don’t quite hit the zero inbox but I’m pretty darn close.

Utilize alias emails and have things that don’t need to go to you, go directly to the appropriate staff member. Delegate what you can to trusted team members to not only take things off your plate, but to help stay you on top of the important stuff.

What system do you have set up for your email?

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